La fisioteràpia que t´agrada

                                                                "Your health will be in good hands"





                                                                                                                    Les mans poden sentir les  

                                                                       tensions físiques i emocionals   


 "Hand can feel physical and emotional tensions"










 Tècnica cupping


The most common injury in road accidents is whiplash (cervical muscle sprain), produces multiple symptoms including pain, decreased mobility, dizziness, insomnia, ... With good treatment and physiotherapy siguimiento and incorporated quickly can improve their daily living activities.

Directorate General of Health Resources

Centre authorized by the "Generalitat de Catalunya" (Department of Health Social Seguredad i). Registration code: E17622749.






New !!



Point of sale authorized:

Compex Fisiocrem
Estamos en

Av. Josep Pla nº14-16

17310 - LLORET DE MAR (Barrio de "El Rieral")

Barnés Kiné S.L.U (B17657164)

Telefonos: 972.34.93.08 - 972.36.31.85

Fax: 972.34.93.71

Ver Mapa de Situación
Josep Pla 14-16 17310 LLORET DE MAR 972349308